The Start of Rede Apoena
It all started with the 1st Meeting of the Brazilian Diaspora of Science and Innovation in Germany, organized by the Embassy of Brazil in Berlin, on February 25, 2021. The researchers Guilherme Abuchala, Uirá Melo and Milene Mendes de Oliveira had the opportunity to interact with representatives of other Latin American networks in different countries. They volunteered to mediate a diaspora chat during the online event and suggested that a network of Brazilian researchers should be created also in Germany.
The participants of the online event, students and researchers based in Germany or interested in Germany as scientific hub, showed great interest. In the following weeks, large virtual meetings were organized and a group of 12 people was formed. Throughout 2021 they met regularly to discuss the network's objectives, structure and first events.
Where are we?

@redeapoena on Twitter